Stay present and grounded

Stay present and grounded

Stay present and grounded because life happens here and now.

Give total attention and appreciation to what is happening right now in your life.

Enjoy every good moment and learn with every not so good experience.

Take all the lessons and gifts the present moment has to give. Good or bad, there are always lessons to learn and things to be grateful for.

After all, we cannot bring back the past and we cannot predict the future, so what is the point of wasting time and energy dwelling on anything other than the present moment?

Being appreciative and grateful for the present moment makes life easier and lighter.

We often spend too much time thinking about how our life was or how we would like it to be. But what about right here, right now? This very instant will never happen again.

Just as the exercise of gratitude, “being present” is also an intense exercise.

For example, right now, I am writing these words. Doing this is part of a dream. It is part of a personal project to inspire people. I have healthy hands to type on a computer that I own, inside my cosy wooden office.

Though the garden is messy because we are having building works at the house, it is full of playful birds. And the singing of these birds makes the perfect background sound to inspire my writing. Then my message can be spread thanks to my Internet connection, which is not easily available to all.

See what I mean?

Note that being present and being grateful walk hand-in-hand.

Not only people and circumstances are connected, but so are feelings.

When going through your day, break down every aspect of it and be grateful for the good things. As I always say, the good things are always there in gift-form, even if they are wrapped in old crunched up paper.

Stay present and grounded and be grateful for every little thing.

Suggested reading: The Art of Happiness


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4 Common myths about yoga to disregard

Thinking about taking on yoga? Great decision! Probably, one of the best decisions you will make in your life. Let me tell you what I have found to be the four most common myths about yoga that you should definitely discard.

self development

About The Author

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Luciana was born in Brazil and raised between Brazil, Portugal, Italy, United States and Switzerland. She launched Finding The Bliss in February 2017 after rekindling her passion for writing and as a result of a shift toward a holistic approach to life. Her desire to have a positive impact on people's lives and inspire them to live fully connected to their true selves shaped the structure of this blog. Luciana´s message is "Never give up on your dreams, regardless of your present life situation".


Luciana in yoga pose

I’m Luciana, a yoga aficionado, here to encourage you to adventure into this secular practice to enjoy a life of mindfulness, focus, balance and bliss.


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