Give closure to your incompletes

Give closure to your incompletes in order to concentrate on the present and move forward.⁠

Do you know the feeling of starting a book and not reading it to the last chapter before you move to the next book?⁠

That’s a classic feeling of having an incomplete!⁠

We all have little (and not so little) things that we need to finish, fix, deal with, or do something about but keep putting off.⁠

We tend to procrastinate regarding things we have some type of blockage with. However, getting things done is not too complicated.⁠

The feeling generated by our “incompletes” takes away energy and focus from what we need to get on with.⁠

There are four basic choices when it come to getting things done: do it, delegate it, delay it, or dump it! 🤔⁠

Whichever you choose is fine as long as you give closure and move on.⁠

So, organize your to-do list and do one of the above.⁠

On chapter 28 of the book “The Success Principles”, Jack Canfield shows creative ways of completing unfinished tasks.⁠

⁠Share this post with a  friend who needs help doing some organising. 😉⁠

May The Bliss be with you⁠,


PS - Need guidance for your Life Makeover? Check out Your Extraordinary Life Plan.

Suggested reading: The Success Principle, by Jack Canfield.


More life wisdom, life hacks and inspiration here.

  📷 Photo #sunset in #BahiaBrazil🇧🇷